Parent Meeting Procedures


TMHA recommends that team directors have 1 parent meeting a month with their team to keep all parents up to speed on home tournament, any events coming up, any votes that might need to be done by the teams parents or if any parent has concerns about their team.

1. Team directors will decide when team meetings are to be (time and date)

2. Team directors will give their parents 1 weeks notice of the time and date of the parent meeting

3. Team directors will let parents know what meeting is about and if there are any decisions that require a vote by their parents.

4. Team directors will also send same email to TMHA president(will keep a file of all parent meetings)

Executive member will need to be present at any parent meetings and said executive member must not be apart of the team in any way(as per TMHA conflict of interest policy)

All parent meeting votes will be final after their meeting is over and vote will remain for the entire season. THERE WILL BE NO REVOTES.

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